
On the way to the route: 10 tips that will upgrade your trip

On the way to the route: 10 tips that will upgrade your trip

“איך לא חשבתי על זה קודם” זה רק אחד המשפטים, שלא פעם תופסים אותנו באמצע הטיול, גם אם אתם ספונטניים וגם אם כאלה שאורזים את כל הבית על הגב. בדיוק בשביל זה אספנו לכם טיפים מעולים לטיולים הבאים עליכם לטובה
Picture of תור פלוס

תור פלוס


On the way to the route: 10 tips that will upgrade your trip

What can I say about you, friends? You know, there is no trip without a selfie stick or a lighting tripod, and there are no viewpoints without a duck face. You navigate with your hand, document every stream flow in history, and always find the best photo spots. With you, there is no way a bad photo will come out.

Belle, if you don’t put your phone aside from time to time, we’re a little worried that you’ll easily miss a rare bloom or an animal wandering nearby, because it’s really easy to miss the entire trip when you’re busy checking updates or counting likes on Instagram.

Travel tip from us: We don’t recommend you take another charger or battery, because it’s known that you’ve already packed two or three in advance. We do recommend that you take a slow break while driving to your destination. Instead of staring at your phones, not the driver’s of course, but you and your friends or children, listen to an interesting podcast related to the place you’ll be traveling to.

Then, during the route, you will connect and recognize many more different elements and open your eyes. Isn’t it much more fun to do it without a cell phone in your hand?

The travelers who pack

We know you well. You are outstanding students! After all, in preparation for the trip, you prepared a long and meticulous list of important points on the route and even calculated the average time at each corner of Hamed, so that you wouldn’t miss the next thing.

We know that it’s important for you to do a route, climb ladders, squeeze in some attractions, and for dessert – ice cream, of course. But don’t you sometimes feel like throwing the list aside for a second and looking to the right, left, and back, and not just forward?

Travel tip from us: Plan a break in the middle of your trip, but don’t budget time for it. Bring a mat with you, find a nice little shady corner and just take a rest. We know this may sound really banal or a waste of time to you, but believe us that during a short break, a rest from the race and silence, you will likely experience the environment much more deeply and maybe even meet a rare animal or two up close. Even if you don’t finish the entire route, nothing happened, it will be here tomorrow too.

The travelers who pack

We know you well. You are outstanding students! After all, in preparation for the trip, you prepared a long and meticulous list of important points on the route and even calculated the average time at each corner of Hamed, so that you wouldn’t miss the next thing.

We know that it’s important for you to do a route, climb ladders, squeeze in some attractions, and for dessert – ice cream, of course. But don’t you sometimes feel like throwing the list aside for a second and looking to the right, left, and back, and not just forward?

Travel tip from us: Plan a break in the middle of your trip, but don’t budget time for it. Bring a mat with you, find a nice little shady corner and just take a rest. We know this may sound really banal or a waste of time to you, but believe us that during a short break, a rest from the race and silence, you will likely experience the environment much more deeply and maybe even meet a rare animal or two up close. Even if you don’t finish the entire route, nothing happened, it will be here tomorrow too.

What can I say about you, friends? You know, there is no trip without a selfie stick or a lighting tripod, and there are no viewpoints without a duck face. You navigate with your hand, document every stream flow in history, and always find the best photo spots. With you, there is no way a bad photo will come out.

Belle, if you don’t put your phone aside from time to time, we’re a little worried that you’ll easily miss a rare bloom or an animal wandering nearby, because it’s really easy to miss the entire trip when you’re busy checking updates or counting likes on Instagram.

Travel tip from us: We don’t recommend you take another charger or battery, because it’s known that you’ve already packed two or three in advance. We do recommend that you take a slow break while driving to your destination. Instead of staring at your phones, not the driver’s of course, but you and your friends or children, listen to an interesting podcast related to the place you’ll be traveling to.

Then, during the route, you will connect and recognize many more different elements and open your eyes. Isn’t it much more fun to do it without a cell phone in your hand?

לטיפ הבא

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